God’s Number and Rubik’s Cube

Good morning! I want to tell about God with you today… Correctly, about God’s number. What is the interconnection between a God and a Rubik’s Cube? And in general, what is the God’s number?

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Disclaimer: there is no religious themes in this post and others (no way!). This post is not including any sermons, imposing a way of thinking or a description of faith in God.

In the last article I wrote that there are a huge variety of cubes: 2х2х2, 3х3х3, 4х4х4, 5х5х5, 6x6x6, 7x7x7, 8x8x8, 9×9×9, 11×11×11, 13х13х13, 17×17×17! 

Do you imagine how many color combinations there can be? And options to solve them!

The number of combinations and the God’s Number

Well, if you are sitting, read on! If not, it's time to lean against something or sit down. Now I will designate a terribly huge number.

A number of all possible different positions of Rubik’s Cube 3x3x3 is 43 252 003 274 489 856 000. Just try to pronounce it! I can’t!

Is it a very huge number? Yes, that's insane a lot! Open google and ask, for example, how many stars are in the sky. Compare the answers. Despite so many combinations and positions of the die, we solve the Rubik’s Cube.

Watch a short video about solving a Rubik's cube in 1.5 minutes using one of the methods for beginners:

By the way!This huge number does not take into account that the orientation of the central squares can be different. Taking into account the orientation of the central squares, the number of combinations increases by 2048 times, namely, up to 88 580 102 706 155 225 088 000 combinations! Now try to pronounce this number out loud.

The God’s number or God’s algorithm

Since the moment the cube appeared, the search began for an algorithm for its solving, which bears the name “Algorithm of God”. This is the name of any algorithm that allows you to get a solution to a puzzle containing the minimum possible number of moves (optimal solution), starting with any given configuration.

Oh! It has been proven that for a Rubik's cube (3x3x3) this number is 20. It means, any Rubik's cube can be solved in at least 20 moves from any of its entangled state. In this case, any rotation of the face is considered one move. Can a person calculate this algorithm, what do you think?

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