Beginner's Methods

About Beginner's Methods to solve Rubik's Cube

The page includes differents beginner's methods to solve Rubik's Cube 3x3x3. At this moment (jan 2021) I just start to complete this page.

I plan to write four (4) methods of solving Rubik's Cube for beginners. Part of it will be freely available to everyone. Anothers - only for my patrons on Patreon or in my books (in new books).

About Rubik's Cube and some base information

Rubik’s Cube 3x3x3 - what is this, ah?

God’s Number and Rubik’s Cube

Rubik's cube device and 

Terms and designations for schemes of solving and rotation of the Rubik's cube

The many ways to solve the Rubik's cube for beginners and advanced

What Kind Of Rubik's Cube You Need

History Of Appearance, Competition, Some Facts

How Does A Rubik's Cube Work?

1 Beginner's Method to solve Rubik's Cube

One way to solve Rubik's cube for beginners

Read also The Fridrich Method

About Fridrich method


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