My Fisrt Book in Sale!


I am very excited about the release of my first book in English on Rubik's Cube Solving Techniques!

If you are my patron, then the materials of the book will be available to you by subscription in my profile. And also additional information that is not indicated in the book. I will publish materials from the book for patrons gradually, supplementing them with other information (which was not included in the publication of the book).

If you buy this book, you will also support me and my work!

The book is available in the coolest bookstores in the world (I will indicate some, there are more than 30 of them): Apple, Amazon, Google, 24SYMBOLS, SCRIBDSTORE and others

You can find it by the author "Vladimir Shveda" or the title "One Easy Way To Quickly Solve A Rubik's Cube".

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About Fridrich method


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