How Does A Rubik's Cube Work?

The cube consists of 26 pieces with 54 colored stickers (surfaces). There are 6 colors in total according to the number of sides of the cube (9 stickers for each color, that is, on one plane). Each side or plane of the cube thus has 9 elements with colored stickers (3 by 3 square).

The elements of the Rubik’s cube are of three types.

  1. The center cubies (center pieces on each side). This element is the cube with only one colored surface (sticker). This is the base of the cube side. These central pieces have a rigidly fixed spatial position relative to other central elements. And they cannot be moved in any way other than breaking the puzzle. There are 6 parts in total.
  2. The edge cubies (pieces). This item has two different colored surfaces (stickers). They are located on the edges of the cube (which is logical and follows from the name). Each Rubik’s cube side has 4 such elements. They make up an equilateral cross. In the middle of this cross is the center of the side. These elements move around the cube during the solving. There are 12 parts in total.
  3. The corner cubies (pieces). This item has three different colored surfaces (stickers). They are located on the corners of the cube. These elements also move around the cube during the solving. There are 8 parts in total.

The center elements connect to form a centerpiece of a 3D cross that holds the center cubes together.

The planes of the cube rotate around the 3 internal axes of the cube. As you already know, the common classic color of the cube is as follows (along the opposite planes of the cube): red - orange, white - yellow, blue - green.

All methods of solving the Rubik's cube can be divided into beginner methods and professional or speed methods.

When you know several different methods or techniques, you will suddenly notice that you begin to better understand the relationship between colors and the elements of the Rubik's cube. How they relate to each other.

With practice you will also be able to solve the cube faster and faster. You will feel more confident with it, as well as better perceive three-dimensional models and space. Even related to the cube. And this is a pleasant feeling!

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